Ultra Low Noise Linear Power Supply
Effective associations
The P50 can be associated with a wide range of devices, with output voltages of 15V and 5V being very common for HiFi devices. The power supply is of course an ideal choice to power the brand's other products, such as the DX3 Pro, the D50s, or the D50s and the A50 at the same time.
Switchable input voltage
The power supply is compatible with the input voltages AC220-240V 50/60Hz but also AC100-120V 50/60Hz and can therefore be used anywhere in the world. A 230V/115V switch is used to select the input voltage.
Sealed toroidal transformer
The P50 uses a high quality, custom sealed toroidal transformer, ensuring low magnetic losses and a very low noise level. In addition, the transformer has been designed to eliminate noise and residual interference, in order to provide the cleanest possible signal.
Large energy reserve
The 15V power supply circuit integrates a series of capacitors for a total capacity of not less than 10000µF and the 5V rails have 8000µF. A significant energy reserve to ensure stable output signals.
Ultra low noise linear regulators
The P50 uses 3 ultra-low noise linear controllers TPS7A4700. These chips are capable of high accuracy and therefore perfectly suited for HiFi use and make them an excellent choice for analog circuits.
Aluminium case
All the components of this P50 power supply are integrated in a beautiful and robust Aluminium housing. It is CNC machined in a single piece of metal for better mechanical performance and reduced interference.
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