Hi-Fi Performance NFCA Module Headphone Amplifier
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Ultra-High Performance NFCA Modules
Adopting the same NFCA module with A90, TOPPING L70 utilizes a voltage current hybrid feedback architecture along with UHGF(Ultra High Gain Feedback) technology to provide excellent DC and AC performance, ultra-low THD+N and absurdly high dynamic range of 146dB.
12V Trigger interface
The L70 is equipped with 12V Trigger in & out interface. With only one easy-to-obtain 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable, the L70 can be turned on and off synchronously with other devices equipped with a 12V Trigger interface.
Powerful Output Ports with Low Noise and Low Impedance
Compatible with almost all kinds of headphones, TOPPING L70 features high output voltage, high output current, low noise, and low output impedance. In this case, high output voltage can easily drive high impedance headphones. High output current allows low-sensitivity headphones to obtain enough power.
Dual Gain Setting Options
L70 features two gain settings to meet the needs of different headphones from low-sensitivity full-sized over-ears to high-sensitivity IEMs. With the help of extremely low noise 0.3uV, even IEMs will not hear any background noise.
Customize volume control
L70 utilizes a R2R volume control composed of relays and resistor networks, bringing the advantages of precise control, longevity, complete channel balanced and remote control. L70 can also memorize the volume and gain for eight output settings.
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