High Performance NFCA Module Headphone AMP
Small in size, huge in power
With a small footprint and a 30dB gain range, the TOPPING L50 is a desktop amp that fits practically anywhere and powers just about anything.
Twice the power of the L30
The L50 uses a newly redesigned NFCA circuit based on the one used in the A30 Pro. It provides twice the power of the L30 at higher impedances, while maintaining the same ultra-low noise and high dynamic range.
Top-of-the-line NFCA performance
Enjoy top-of-the-line dynamic range, SINAD, and THD+N thanks to the L50’s NFCA circuit. By using negative feedback loops, it reduces fluctuation in the output, resulting in THD of 0.00006%, SINAD of 125, and a dynamic range of 145dB.
Calling all cans
With three gain settings that span almost 30dB, the L50 can power your whole collection of headphones. Its low noise level of 0.3uV means that you won’t hear background noise even on the most sensitive of IEMs, while its max output level of 37Vpp means it can meet the needs of extremely low-sensitivity full-sized headphones.
Auto bypass
When shut off, the L50 automatically outputs the signal to RCA or TRS without amplification, so you can keep the L50 in your audio chain even while using active speakers and/or a DAC’s preamp function.
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