NFCA HiFi Headphone Amp Preamplifier
Minimum Order 200.000
DKI Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat Tanpa Minimum Order
What’s the Improvement Compared with L30
Compared with previous L30, the second generation L30II has made big improvements on NFCA module to provide 0.3uV ultra low noise and a dynamic range of 144dB, while keeping 0.00006% THD+N. The new model achieves 2X times power at 300ohm load. The small body but with big power is fully manifested in L30II.
Wide Applications for Headphones
To accommodate a wide range of headphones, L30II amplifier is designed with high output voltage, high current and low output impedance. No matter the headphone is of high impedance or low sensitivity, L30II amplifier can easily dealt with them all.
Three Levels of Gain Settings
Speaking of gain settings, the L30II has improved gain settings to cover a wider range of needs to be suitable for different types of headphones. L30II is built with three gain options: -14dB, 0dB, 16.5dB. With different settings, both low-sensitivity and high-sensitivity headphones can reach a satisfying performance without obvious background noise because of the extremely low noise level of 0.3uV.
Low Distortion, High Performance
The L30II can maintain ultra-low distortion output under power load. Under 32ohm load and 2500mW output, the THD+N is lower than 0.00008%; under 300ohm load and 300mW output, the THD+N is lower than 0.00007%.
L30II+E30II=Perfect Companion
It is usually recommended to use L30II with E30II together to achieve the best results. These two can make a perfect match, or even better with active speakers. Simply connect the L30II to headphones and active speaker, by switching the outputs on L30II, you are able to easily enjoy music on headphones and active speakers respectively.
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