Hi-Fi Balanced Headphone Amplifier
Minimum Order 200.000
DKI Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat Tanpa Minimum Order
D for Discrete
The A90 Discrete, or A90D, is an upgraded version of the groundbreaking A90. As its name suggests, the A90D uses fully discrete components in a complete redesign of the A90 NFCA module. Four discrete NFCA modules using 39 transistors each form the fully balanced amp architecture.
R2R volume control
The A90D uses an R2R volume control composed of relays and resistor networks, bringing the advantages of precise control, longevity, and complete channel balance.
Calling All Cans
Planar magnetic, electrostatic, dynamic drivers, IEMs—pick your poison, the A90D can handle it. Thanks to its high output voltage, high output current, and low output impedance, the A90D can push loads of power into high-impedance full-sized headphones or pare that power back in order to drive sensitive IEMs.
Say goodbye to ground loop noise
The A90D solves this issue with a GND/LIFT switch. When in normal use, set the switch to GND. If you encounter ground loop noise, set the switch to LIFT, which will change the ground point of the A90D from its chassis to the equipment it’s connected to, eliminating the noise.
Pre-amp mode
With the A90D in pre-amp mode, connect a power amplifier to drive bookshelf, desktop, or floor speakers. You can also connect the A90D to the D90SE/LE DAC in pre-amp mode to create a complete high-end sound system.
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