Hybrid Driver 2DD+4BA In Ear Monitor Earphone
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Hype Series
THIEAUDIO is excited to announce a fresh lineup of next-generation IEMs: Hype (Hybrid Performance). Since our journey into the world of Hi-Fi audio, we have accomplished much and have grown tremendously with every new project. Every launch has taught us how to develop better sounding audio solutions, as well as develop and utilize new driver types. We are putting together all of our acquired knowledge into the new Hype series.
Introducing IMPACT2
The IMPACT2 (Impact Squared) is THIEAUDIOs latest technological innovation to change the personalized audio industry. IMPACT2 is a new subwoofer solution consisting of two 10mm composite diaphragm drivers arranged in an isobaric design. The addition of another 10mm subwoofer significantly enhances the power and texture of the bass.
Latest Generation Sonion Drivers
The Hype 4 features the latest generation of Sonion Drivers, which we have custom implemented specifically for the Hype 4. The Soinion E50 series Hummingbird is a dual ultra-tweeter balanced armature driver, with the best technical specifications from any treble drivers offered by Sonion so far. With superb ultra-treble extension that rivals EST or planar drivers.
The Classic THIEAUDIO Tonal Perfection
Following the foundation of preceding models, the Hype 4 required a tonal signature that was nothing less than perfection. Using the blueprint from the Monarch MKII, Clairvoyance, and the Oracle, the Hype 4 features our most successful tonal balance. With a strong sub-bass presence that cuts off precisely at 200Hz.
Custom Audiophile Cable
The Hype 4 comes standard with a high-grade silver-plated OCC cable. This upgrade in cable materials provides a little more clarity and refinement compared to the previous generation of THIEAUDIOs cables.
Terima kasih sudah berlangganan
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