6BA + EST Hybrid Driver Q-IAO In Ear Monitor Earphone
Minimum Order 200.000
DKI Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat Tanpa Minimum Order
Rise of the great NEZHA
This is one of the most important products we've ever launched, as it marks the debut of our first full-body resin in-ear monitors. This release represents a revolution in comparison to our previous in-ear monitor offerings, as it is optimized with our own Custom BA Drivers, in addition to Sonion BA Sub-woofer Drivers and delicate EST Drivers.
Developed with care
In the process of developing Nezha, we have successfully overcome various obstacles, largely due to invaluable feedback from professionals in the music and production industry. Our dedicated team of designers, engineers, and the unwavering support of our suppliers played a crucial role in this achievement.
Q-IAO represents a pioneering crossover technology that allocates a greater number of audio bands to each speaker driver when compared to any currently available crossover technology. This approach establishes an exceptionally expansive, multi-channel pathway, empowering our engineers to calibrate meticulously specific frequency ranges, thereby achieving a highly precise audio response while eradicating any remnants of phase incongruity among the drivers.
Design That Encapsulates A God
Our design philosophy draws inspiration from a profound vision of Nezha to show that there’s beauty even within the most destructive flames, a hidden beauty reveals itself when observed with the right perspective. The emblem shows nezha’s life his flaming wheels, power, and the lotus where he was reborn.
What's in the box:
1. 1 pair of headphones
2. Oxygen-free copper silver-plated wire 1
3. 4.4 1 headphone plug
4. 3.5 headphone plug 1
5. Tang Sancai (large diameter) 3 pairs
Terima kasih sudah berlangganan
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