7MM TrueResponse Dynamic Driver In Ear Earphone
Minimum Order 200.000
DKI Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat Tanpa Minimum Order
Enjoy the music you love like never before with the smallest details unmasked
Maybe it’s three extra notes in a bass line you’d never noticed. Or that flute playing a quiet melody in the background. Every time you discover a new musical flourish in a favorite track, it’s like finding buried treasure.
The tonal balance of the IE 200 showers you with these gifts. Because our engineers spent considerable effort to eliminate the peaks and troughs that can otherwise swallow up or overshadow a particular note. It’s an upgrade for your entire music collection.
For ultimate sound quality and dependability, nothing beats a cable
No matter how amazing your wireless earbuds are, you still have to charge them. With the IE 200, all you need to remember is to plug them in. Ahh, and when you do … you’ll be completely enveloped in a world of brilliantly balanced sound. Full of detail and presence like you’ve never experienced.
Dual-tunable ear tips let you pick the bass response you like best
When it comes to lower frequencies, some like it a little heavier. To truly appeal to everyone, the IE 200 gives you the option to tune your earphones to your taste. Simply mount the ear tips in one of two positions to determine how much low end reaches your ears.
It's just one more reason the IE 200 is destined to make music lovers happy the world over. For jazz, EDM, classical, or punk rock — now everyone can experience high-resolution, audiophile sound. And if you like, with a little extra punch down low.
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