Audiophile Reference Dynamic Driver Closed Back Headphone
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Enjoy undisturbed privacy while listening to exceptional open, natural sound.
Wish your surroundings were more suitable for enjoying long listening sessions? Well, now you no longer have to trade an impressive soundstage for privacy. The HD 620S lets you experience detailed, spacious sound like never before in closed-back headphones.
Open sound in a closed-back design.
You might think that’s impossible. Think again. The HD 620S combines the DNA of the HD 600 and 500 series, bringing the best of both headphone families to a closed chassis. Sennheiser’s HD 600 series has long been the standard for natural tone, thanks to our dedication to continuously improving the open-back concept. The 500 series introduced later offers a soundstage that immerses listeners in their music.
Your passion knows no boundaries. Why should your headphones?
Who doesn’t sometimes want to just switch off and become immersed in their own world undisturbed, away from roommates or family? With the HD 620S, you can stay in the same room without compromising on privacy. Even better: without compromising on natural, expansive sound. Imagine hearing every nuance from every direction without any disturbance.
No matter whether all day, all week or all year.
The HD 620S not only offers timeless design, but also timeless function and comfort. So your mind can focus on other things than high-maintenance headphones. The HD 620S chassis is lightweight yet familiar, bolstered by premium touches that will deliver its unique acoustic signature for years to come.
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