Hybrid Driver Bluetooth 5.0 True Wireless Earphone
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Bluetooth 5.2 Stable Connection
Z3 adopts Qualcomm QCC3040 chip, the advanced Qualcomm Bluetooth 5.2 chip brings better connection performance, call effect, compatibility, functionality, and other aspects that are significantly improved.
2BA+2DD Configuration
Z3 is equipped with a 10mm dual magnetic low-frequency dynamic driver, which can promote the increase of the power of the sound unit, enhances the low-frequency volume, texture, and explosive power, presents a more contagious sound. Based on the strong DD, the 30019 high-frequency closed balanced armature unit specially developed for hybrid technology Bluetooth is added to optimize the middle and high frequency of the human voice, achieves a comprehensive performance improvement.
APTX Audio Coding
APTX adoptive, combining the advantages of both APTX HD and Lossless, the sound quality is better, the signal noise is lower, the distortion is less, and the transmission rate is greatly increased, bringing us higher sound quality through Bluetooth, restores beautiful melody.
Low Latency Technology
The transmission time of the Z3 Bluetooth earphone is 40ms after the high-performance mode is turned on. After entering the game, three-click the touch key to immediately turn on the high-performance mode, which can achieve almost 0 delays of audio and video synchronization, and play various competitive games at will.
Luxury Craft & Touch Control
Using the highly difficult technology of metal and resin splicing, it is difficult to have similar true wireless appearance designs on the market.
Terima kasih sudah berlangganan
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