1BC+1BA+1SPD Planar In Ear Monitor Earphone
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10mm Square Planar Driver
Kinera exclusive technology Kinera 10mm SPD ™ ( Square Planar Driver ) for bass. After testing hundreds of driver materials, at last our own planar material & mechanical design was achieved. It breaks through in the low-frequency limit of dynamic driver.
Bone Conduction Driver
Kinera Custom 10mm BC Driver ( Bone Conduction Driver ) The Plutus Beast earphones are equipped with a customized contact-type bone conduction driver, which works in synergy with the balanced armature driver to further enhance the low frequencies and overall ambiance, providing an immersive audio experience.
Crafted through Multiple Processes
The Plutus Beast earphones undergo a series of meticulous processes, including drying under light, soldering, installing the drivers, multiple testing phases, gluing, UV insulation, attaching the female connector and managing the wiring, polishing, painting, oil removal, UV curing, and other production steps. All these processes aim to deliver a professional acoustic product experience to you.
Custom High-frequency Balanced Armature Driver
This customized balanced armature driver mainly assists in reproducing the high frequencies. It exhibits excellent extension, transparency, and contributes to an atmospheric sound representation.
High-Purity Stock Cable
Celest Plutus Beast comes with a high-purity stock cable. This cable is made up of 5N Silver-plated copper wire cores with a braided eight-core rounded design. Each individual cable strand has a diameter of 1.0mm and consists of 48 strands of conductor wires. Its design effectively reduces signal transmission loss and minimizes microphonic issues, providing an accurate sound reproduction with minimal external interferences. The pair adopts 0.78mm 2-pin connectors. Users can purchase it in either 3.5mm or 4.4mm termination.
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