Hi-Res MQA USB Portable DAC / Amplifier
Forged for Masters of Audio.
Featuring cutting-edge Japanese audio processing technology: K2HD, and improved power supply and clock circuitry, the Kensei represents the pinnacle of our journey of refinement in the GO bar range.
Revitalise studio recording sound with legendary K2HD.
Engineers at Victor Studio noticed a lack of emotion between their original masters and digital sub-masters, sparking a quest for a solution. They meticulously compared countless finished recordings with the copy recordings by ear, relying on their instinctive feel and human expertise. Their solution: K2 Technology.
Tailored. Sweet Sound.
Listen the way you like with four bespoke digital filters and two analogue processing modes, each tailored to enhance your enjoyment across different music genres. Experience chest-thumping bass with XBass+ and immerse yourself in a spacious sound field with XSpace.
Advanced chip. Accurate clock.
A customised digital filter minimises pre-echoes and ringing artefacts. Our GMT (Global Master Timing) precision clock system ensures ultra-low jitter. Supports higher-than-streaming audio formats: PCM up to 32-bit/384kHz, Native DSD playback up to DSD256 , 2x DXD , Full MQA decoding
Compact and Powerful.
The GO Bar Kensei is crafted with Japanese stainless steel for maximum rigidity. Its USB-C connectivity ensures plug-and-play convenience, allowing for hassle-free use. The GO Bar Kensei offers a maximum output power of up to 477mW.
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