Faux Suede Leather Case For Hip DAC / DAC 2
Both the original hip-dac and the new hip-dac2 sport a 102x70x14mm extruded aluminium enclosure which is sufficiently robust to be carried around without fear of damage or breakage. However, we know that some of you wanted further protection for the beautifully anodised metallic finish and the hi-res interior. You can now give your adored hip-dac or hip-dac2 a softer, suede-like feel by wrapping it in a bespoke case from iFi, offering protection both at home and on the go without hindering the control functionality.
Made from ‘faux suede’ in cool Dove Grey, the hip-case fits both the hip-dac and the hip-dac2 like a glove. This snug fitting case is unique to iFi with stitch detail and an distinctive, embroidered iFi logo. It’s a bespoke beauty for your beloved portable DAC/amp.
Whether you are a hip and happening connoisseur of the original hip-dac with its sheek Petrol Blue finish or just about to burst on to the audio scene with the vibrant Sunset Orange hip-dac2, the hip-case is definitely for you.
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