ES9219MQ/Q Portable MQA USB Type-C DAC & Amplifier
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The Missing Link
The GO link is a brilliant way to enhance headphone sound from any device with a USB output. Connect to a PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone, plug in a pair of headphones, and immerse yourself in powerful, dynamic and detailed sound.
Flexible Friend
At one end of the GO link is a USB-C connector, and at the other is the DAC and headphone amp circuitry, both housed in robust yet lightweight magnesium alloy enclosures.
DAC'S The Ticket
At the heart of the GO link lies a power-efficient, high-performance DAC chip from ESS Technology’s Sabre HiFi series, the ES9219MQ/Q. It benefits from 32-bit HyperStream III architecture and combines with Quad DAC+ and Time Domain Jitter Eliminator technology along with iFi’s dedicated clock circuitry with specialized crystal oscillator.
Do The Twist
The cable linking both sections together uses silver-plated copper conductors with individual polymer insulation in a ‘twisted pair’ configuration.
Move With The Music
Unlike other headphone dongles, the GO link doesn’t rely on the software-based volume controls in connected digital devices. This can adversely affect audio resolution. Instead, adjusting the volume on the connected device controls the volume level in the GO link’s DAC, not in the phone, tablet, or computer. This hardware-based volume control is another feature that helps to deliver the GO link’s superior sonic performance.
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