Active Noise Cancellation Eliminator Filter
Minimum Order 200.000
DKI Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat Tanpa Minimum Order
Plug. Play. Believe
Our AC iPurifier is for anyone whose audio is troubled by interference or distortion caused by dirty mains power. It will rid your system of electromagnetic (EMI) or radio-frequency (RFI) interference and brings clean, clear sound to your audio in an instant.
Wireless Purification System
Our Wireless Purification System (WPS) is a complex circuit that reduces power line noise without audible or measured side-effects.
Military grade
The AC iPurifier uses iFi’s Active Noise Cancellation technology inspired by military engineering. It ACTIVELY eliminates far more noise across the frequency range than a passive product, even across the lower frequencies.
No harm. No hum
The AC iPuriifier boasts inbuilt earth/ground and polarity detection. You can always be certain the polarity is correct and that you have the necessary ground/earth connection.
Smart thinking
Our Intelligent Ground system ensures the AC iPurifier will not introduce a ground loop when one isn’t needed.
Safe and sound
And with in-built surge protection, the AC iPurifier will shut down if it detects a short or a power surge. Your equipment will remain safe and sound.
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