Efficient Planar Open Back Headphone
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Acoustically Invisible Stealth Magnet
Unlike the sound waves created by a conventional magnet, the special shape of stealth magnets enables the waves to pass through the magnets without generating interference. HIFIMAN's advanced magnet design is acoustically transparent, dramatically reducing wave diffraction turbulence that degrades the integrity of the sounds waves. The reduced distortion yields pure sonic output that is accurate and full-range.
High Sensitivity
Allow use with virtually any smartphone or portable audio device. Low distortion and amazing sounds quality.
NEO "Supernano" Diapphragm (NSD)
The all new NsD is 80% thinner than previous designs resulting in a faster more detailed response while retaining lush musicality never before possible. At between 1 to 2 microns thick, the NsD diaphragm sets all be standards.
Windows Shad Grill Design
Greatly reduces sonic reflections for clearer sound
Asymmetrical Ear Cup
Follow the natural shape of the human ear
Hybrid Headband Design
ANANDA has a carefully designed weight dispersing strap allowing the headband to afford outstanding levels of the long-term comfort. The sleek and sumptuous matte black finish is combined with a metal construction for maximum durability.
Making Connections
ANANDA comes with our updated 3.5mm headphone connectors. This offers users the most robust headphone connector we have ever used giving both maximum survivability and enhanced longevity.
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