Portable Hi-Res MQA RGB DAC / Amplifier
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Dual ESS SABRE ES9219C DAC & Independent Crystal Oscillators
Get double the audio performance and the most accurate clocking for both DACs, through the synergy of the Dual ESS SABRE ES9219C DAC chips, and high-precision independent crystal oscillator, for the purest audio experience, and reproduce real music with unprecedented accuracy.
MQA 16X.
MQA is an award-winning British technology that delivers the sound of the original master recording. The master MQA file is fully authenticated and is small enough to stream or download.
MQA audio technology is supported by Hidizs XO portable dongle DAC AMP, able to fully 'unfold' MQA files (16X) to deliver outstanding sound quality.
Stylish RGB LED Light - Hidizs Patented Innovation.
The front of the XO MQA Dongle has a unique X-shaped button for independent control of the RGB LED lights. (15+ lighting effects)
You will be attracted by the light effects of the XO MQA Dongle.
Physical Button for Filter Mode Switch.
There is also a dedicated O-shaped button on the XO MQA Dongle for filter mode switch. No need to update firmware or use your phone, just one button to get 2 different sound styles. Plug and play for maximum simplicity and convenience.
Single-ended 3.5mm + Balanced 2.5mm.
The XO MQA Dongle is only the size of a USB and weighs only 11 grams. Contains two outputs, enough to drive mobile phones, iPads, and PCs. The output power is strong but not excessive, single-ended 78mW+78mW@32Ω / balanced 195mW+195mW@32Ω. The XO MQA Dongle perfectly balances sound quality and battery life.
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