4th Generation Grado Driver On Ear Open Back Headphone
Minimum Order 200.000
DKI Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat Tanpa Minimum Order
Brothers & Sisters.
A Unique Voice
The SR225x and SR125x have had a sibling rivalry for decades. Being the mature one, the SR225x utilizes the new F cushion to open up the sound to more textured tones. The driver works in unison to produce a unique voicing and be just as fast as the SR125x. Just don’t tell their kid brother.
What We’re Known For.
Signature Sound
The clarity and range of Grado headphones can reveal new notes and details in songs heard hundreds of times. The driver and housing working in tandem react to sound vibrations and virtually eliminate transient distortions. With warm harmonic colors, smooth top-end, excellent dynamics, and a world renowned mid-range, the SR225x produces a sound that’s pure Grado.
A New Harmony.
X Series Driver
4th Generation Grado drivers are here. Specifically tuned for the SR225x, this new speaker design features a more powerful magnetic circuit, a voice coil with decreased effective mass, and a reconfigured diaphragm. Reengineering these components for our 44mm drivers improve efficiency, reduces distortion, and preserves the harmonic integrity of your music.
A Little Extra.
New Cables & Headband
Along with the speakers, the cables and headband have been redesigned for the SR225x. Now housed in a more durable exterior, the 8-conductor cable transfers more information and features a super annealed copper wire for improved purity of the audio signal. The new headband features more cushion for a comfier experience.
With Love.
Hand Assembled in Brooklyn
Founded on a kitchen table in 1953, Grado Labs has been perfecting the art of sonic reproduction every day since. This SR225x has traveled from workbench to workbench until ready for your ears. Every experience since that kitchen table has led to the creation of the SR225x.
Terima kasih sudah berlangganan
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