Dual CS43131 Portable USB DAC Amplifier
Minimum Order 200.000
DKI Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat Tanpa Minimum Order
Dual cores A golden combo
With two high-performance yet highly efficient CS43131 DAC chips and two low-noise SGM8262 op-amps, this truly "dual-core" golden combo brings excellent performance. Rediscover your music collection again full of newly discovered details with the KA13.
Mini desktop amp Big performance
The KA13 features a desktop mode, which the engraved lightning bolt logo hints at. In desktop mode, balanced output power goes up to 550mW, allowing the KA13 to drive both low and high-impedance headphones with excellent dynamics and detail.
Included adapter cables Compatibility with multiple platforms
The KA13 features a detachable cable design. When combined with the included Type-C and Lightning adapter cables, you can listen with various systems without having to immediately purchase another cable. Compatible with Android OS, Windows, and Mac devices.
RGB ambient light window A new window into music
The RGB ambient light window not only looks good, but also lets you quickly know the sampling frequency of your audio- letting you feel the charm of a device "Born For Music.". RGB ambient light window can be turned off through the FIIO Control app on Android devices.
- PCM 48kHz: Light blue
- PCM > 48kHz: Yellow
- DSD: Green
Terima kasih sudah berlangganan
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