1 BA + 1 DD Hybrid Driver In Ear Earphone
Minimum Order 200.000
DKI Jakarta, Banten, dan Jawa Barat Tanpa Minimum Order
Hybrid Driver For Unmatched Sound Quality.
The FiiO FH1s is equipped with a Knowles Balanced Armature(33518) and a large 13.6mm dynamic driver unit, which provides a brilliant sound quality with smooth and transparent treble response, a quick and punchy bass, and lush and lifelike vocals. The sound output is crisp, detailed, and balanced.
Celluloid Designed Faceplates on Ergonomic Shells.
The earpieces of FiiO FH1s are made up of a high-quality material transparent shells, which have a celluloid pattern faceplate design. Each and every unit of FiiO FH1s has got its own custom celluloid pattern, making each and every piece unique to each other. The shells have an ergonomic design providing you the best of the fit and comfort.
Easier To Drive.
The FiiO FH1s has a low impedance of 26ohms and a higher sensitivity of 106dB, which makes them very easy to drive. You can enjoy your music anytime anywhere with your smartphone or normal digital audio player.
Balanced and Natural Sound Output.
The FiiO Fh1s has a natural and balanced sound output. Your musical output is rich with details and provides its users with great imaging, wider staging, and noise-free sound clarity. Being balanced, this earphone is suitable for watching movies or listening to longer music sessions.
120-Core High-Purity Mono Crystalline Copper Cable.
The FiiO FH1s comes with a 120-core high purity monocrystalline copper cable, which is of very good quality, it offers a seamless connection between the source and the earpieces, it has 0.78mm two-pin connector type.
Technical Specifications :
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