USB Type-C USB-C DAC / AMP Adapter
Tidak dapat memuat ketersediaan pengambilan
A hallowed-out housing to pack them all
The outer shell of the TC35B adopts 316 stainless steel, by the way of hallowing out the inside and insulation processing, it's ready to pack the Type-C plug, 3.5mm socket, circuit board and other elements in a perfect compact way.
It couldn't be shorter
The TC35B is supposed to place at the bottom of the phone, So it's easy to get damaged if the adapter is too long. So we made it possible to reduce the distance between each components So as to make the adapter as short as possible.
Automatically Detect and Recognize
When the earphone is not plugged in, the TC35B won't work, even it's connected to your phone or computer. It will detect and recognize automatically when the earphone is plugged in.
Supports CTIA standard earphones
When you plug in CTIA standard earphones with microphone and controls, you can answer phone call and use the play/pause, volume and track selection controls.
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