Discrete R2R Portable USB DAC / Amplifier
Innovative Discrete R2R Resistor Ladder DAC
The Cayin RU6 features a self-developed 24bit discrete R-2R resistor ladder circuit that can decode up to 384kHz PCM audio. The basic idea of the R-2R ladder is a matched pair of resistors, the first is “R” and the other is “2R'' which has twice the value of R.
Oversampling and Non Oversampling
Cayin offers both Oversampling and Non-oversampling DA modes in RU6. For Oversampling mode, the Digital Audio Bridge will upsample the digital audio data to 384kHz through digital filters. This will enhance the resolution, reduce noise and improve the anti-aliasing of the digital signal. On the other hand, NOS DA mode maintains the sampling rate of the original bit-stream and playback will become very musical with a natural and organic presentation.
Fully Analogue Resistor Array Volume Control
Cayin developed a fully analogue resistor array volume control circuit that provides 99 steps volume control through 9 segments of resistors and switching relays.
Versatile Operation with Low Power Consumption
Discreet R-2R circuitry is a low power DAC circuit when compared to other highly integrated DAC chipsets. This architecture minimizes power drain from the mobile source allowing you to enjoy music without the need to worry about battery drain.
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