1BA+1DD Hybrid Driver In Ear Monitor Earphone
Flawless Integration of Technology
The 7Hz Sonus was meticulously designed around a single balanced armature (BA) driver combined with a powerful dynamic driver (DD). The difficulty in many hybrid IEM’s is achieving a continuous and uniform sound. The Sonus focused on achieving the perfect singularity to mitigate this issue.
Precision Unleashed
The 7Hz Sonus boasts a complete coverage of the full frequency spectrum, from 10Hz to 20,000Hz. This mean every audible note and micro details are captured and faithfully reproduced to your ears. The deep-reaching lows also means drums and bass lines are powerfully delivered, resulting in the most resounding bass impact and speed.
Inspired by Nature’s Harmonious Design
The 7Hz Sonus was conceived from inspirations from the symphonies within the natural world. If you listen carefully to the natural beauties of the outdoors, you can hear the music of nature, filled with both melodies and harmonies.
Upgraded Detachable Cable
The Sonus comes standard with a high-quality silver-plated OCC cable. This custom designed cable is composed of 49 wires per core, woven in a 4-core structure. The cable is light and comfortable, while maximizing audio transmission for a crystal clear sound.
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