Portable Amplifier DAC / AMP
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AKM AK4377 Chipset
7HZ SEVENHERTZ 71 adopts AKM's AK4377 chip to process digital signals. It is smaller than other chips and uses 36-pin CSP packaging, which requires less space on the circuit board. The upgrade AK4377 chip can analyze each format audio signal. For better sound quality, a 32-bit digital filter is integrated into the circuit, allowing a lower distortion rate and a wider sound field.
Applicable to Android 5.1 or Higher Version And Lightning Connector
The 7HZ SEVENHERTZ 71 Portable Headphone Amplifier is small but powerful. It can effectively improve the sound quality representation of devices such as mobile phones, music players, etc. SEVENHERTZ 71 is mainly applied to mobile phones and it is suitable for Android 5.1 and above. Besides, SEVENHERTZ 71 can compatible with Apple Lightning connection.
High-end 4-pin 36-core OCC cable
As a portable headphone amplifier, the 7HZ SEVENHERTZ71 not only adopts an upgraded DAC chip but was also designed with high-end cables. 7HZ SEVENHERTZ 71 cables use four 36-core OCC cables, which can transmit digital and analog signals losslessly. The cables are hand-woven and extremely robust, enhancing the resistance to breakage.
Battery-Free Design, Plug And Play
The 7HZ SEVENHERTZ 71 Potable Headphone Amplifier used a battery-free design. The AK4377 chip is easy to drive and the impedance of the circuitry in this amplifier is also low, meaning that not much power is required. This means that this potable amplifier can be driven with low power.
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